Discipleship Materials

These materials can be used in 1-on-1 relationships or small groups.

Small Group Leaders: Find the section of resources for the type of group you are leading. Printed copies of these lessons can be found in the Discipleship Resource Room (behind the map). Find Kris, Josh, or Rebekah to make copies for your group.

How to Lead a small group:

  • Expectations – Talk about what you expect from your co-leader before small groups start. Discuss the goals of your small group with your co-leader, and how you are going to get there. Be up front about how long small group will go, and be practical about it. 

  • Preparation – Meet with your leader every week before small group while keeping up with your own walk with the Lord. Get help when needed. Send reminders throughout the week to your small group. Be prayerful!

  • Organization – Spend a few minutes catching up with your group discussing how their weeks have been and hold them accountable for the application from the previous week.

  • Getting to know small group – Spend time with small group outside of small group (getting coffee, dinner, etc.)

  • Endurance – Make sure you have good community around you when the semester picks up. Being able to prioritize your time well and not overdoing yourself.

  • Reality – Embrace the silence. It is okay to not know every answer. Do not be afraid to correct someone who is wrong. 

  • Small Group Sign Up Link

  • Group Leader Introduction (for managing small group sign ups)

Becoming Disciples

Key Scripture Passages: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; John 3:16-18

Gospel Threads PDF - this includes everything below in one document

Leader’s Guide (weeks 1-5)

Leader’s Guide (weeks 6-7)

Week 1 : Character of God

Week 2 : Sinfulness of Man

Week 3 : Sufficiency of Christ

Week 4 : Necessity of Faith

Week 5 : Urgency of Eternity

Week 6 : Writing Your Personal Testimony

Week 7 : Sharing the Gospel

Week 8 : Becoming a World Christian

Growing As Disciples

Key Scripture Passages: 1 Timothy 4:7-8; John 15:10-11

Week 1 : The Call of a Disciple

Week 2 : God’s Word

Week 3 : Prayer

Week 4 : Fellowship

Week 5 : Witnessing

Weeks 6-8 : Choose from additional lessons below:

Making Disciples

Key Scripture Passages: Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2

Week 1 : The Great Commission

Week 2 : Living Everyday on Mission

Week 3 : Initiative Evangelism

Week 4 : Multiplying Yourself

Weeks 5-8 : Use the following outline for the remaining meetings:

  • Review disciple-making accountability questions (below).

  • Encourage each other.

  • Spend time praying for each other, impact lists, campus, and an unreached people group.

Making Disciples Accountability Questions

1. Have you been praying daily for opportunities to share your faith? What opportunities did you see? What opportunities did you take? What opportunities did you miss?

2. Have you been praying everyday for the people on your impact list? What steps have you been taking to get to know them better or share the gospel with them?

3. Have you spent any time hanging out with non-Christians? What is your plan of action to spend time with people who don’t know God?

4. Have you had any gospel appointments? If so, share about how it went.

5. Have you been prayer walking on campus? If so, share about how it went.