
Impact Lists & Teams

A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie

You will likely be meeting new people everyday during the first couple of weeks of the semester. It’s a good idea to keep a name log with a few details about the person in your phone or in a journal to help you remember.

Use Three Habits of Everyday Evangelism at your first Impact Team meeting.

Schedule overview

Outreach Tables

Outreach tables will primarily happen on the days that we have events. Visit this link to sign up for open 1-3 hour slots. If you sign up for the first slot of the day, you will meet at the BSU to gather what’s needed and take it out to the spot. If you sign up for the last slot of the day, you will help pack up and bring back the stuff.


  1. Be visible as a ministry that cares (showing kindness by offering water/popsicles).

  2. Connect with people through conversation about what we’re about (Jesus Christ).

  3. Invite people to our next event.

Items Needed:

  • BSU Tent

  • Table with event flyers and Remind Sign.

  • Ice chest of water on wagon

  • Round coolers with popsicles (bring scissors)

  • Trash bag

  • Bluetooth speaker

  • Optional: yard games

Gospel Appointments

Connect Groups

BSU connect groups are for new USM students only. The purpose of these groups is to provide new students Christian community as soon as possible as they transition to Southern Miss. Connect Groups should start meeting by August 28.

Two options for materials:

  • Go through the Basics series on the bookmark. 

  • Go through the book of Ephesians and prepare your own questions.


Preparing for Small Group Discussion Guide

Small Group Bible Study Bookmark

Sign Up Form for students to join your group, text it to them when you meet them. (There will also be a sign up sheet on the window.)

Girl Group Leaders

  • Dara Jones & Hannah Ziegler

  • Mollie Cockerham & Rebecca Ratcliff

  • Juli Lowe & Larissa Lee

Guy Group Leaders

  • Braxton McCrary & Mason Herring

  • Joseph King & Lake Lewis

  • Jake Rodgers & Joseph Morris

Transfer Group Leaders

  • Keely McGinty & Josh Snider