Recommended Quiet Time Structure
While there is no detailed Biblical model for a “quiet time,” there are countless scripture passages that emphasize the importance of learning to feast on God’s Word. Not only that, but Jesus himself modeled the importance of drawing near to the Father by stepping away from distractions, seeking solitude, and spending time in prayer.
Below is my recommendation (and my personal method) for your quiet times this summer. This may not be exactly how you spend time with God, but it should always include reading God’s Word and responding in prayer at some capacity. Discuss with your mentor your plan for your time with God.
- Josh Richards
Reading Plan: If you do not currently have a Bible reading plan, I challenge you to try reading through all 4 gospels this summer (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). This can be done by reading 2-3 chapters daily.
S.O.A.P. Method
The S.O.A.P. method is just a journaling outline for processing and applying God’s word. I typically write about a page in my journal for each S.O.A.P. entry.
How to have quiet time using the S.O.A.P. method (also on F&F page 63).
Scripture: Choose a book of the Bible to read. Then, try and read one to three chapters a day. Look for a verse that particularly impressed you that day, and write it in your journal.
Observation: Write down why the passage stuck out to you. Write down your thoughts about the verse. Look for key words or repeated words. Consider the context of the verse and write down any observations you can make such as: Who is author? The audience? What is the author’s message?
Application: What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? How should you live differently? Write out an application.
Prayer: Spend some time praying about what you learned from the passage and surrendering your life to follow Him today. Write out a prayer in your journal.
Prayer Time
In addition to my SOAP journal, I usually continue my time of prayer by using the ACTS acrostic. I write out my supplication prayers in my journal so I will be able to refer back to them.
Adoration - Reflect on God and praise Him for his character.
Confession - Humbly admit your sins to God.
Thanksgiving - Tell God how grateful you are for everything He has given.
Supplication - make specific requests for yourself and others (see list below).
Special urgent requests (things on your heart).
Impact list of lost friends and family.
Personal faith or spiritual growth goals.
Unreached people group from
People you are discipling.
Scripture Memory
If you are not already memorizing scripture, I challenge you to set a goal to memorize one passage per week.
Tips for consistency:
Find a rhythm. God wants undistracted time with you everyday. However, if you don’t offer yourself grace when you miss a day, the enemy will likely use it to destroy your momentum. Instead, be reminded of how much you need your time with God and use it to fuel your motivation to make time for him the next day.
Follow a reading plan. If you don’t you will more than likely waste time finding a place to read OR you might even just give up or get distracted. I cannot count how many times God has spoken to specific needs in my life through a reading plan.
Choose a time, then stick to it. Consider giving God the “first fruit” of your day by making your time with Him the most important part of your day. Be prepared to make sacrifices for your time with God.
Be realistic. Shoot for a 30-45 minute quiet time. Yes, the more time with God the better, but I have found that setting unrealistic time goals usually results in failure to develop consistency. Plan to use your sabbath to spend extended time with God.
Get a journal! Incorporating journaling into my quiet time has greatly impacted the way I process and apply God’s word in my life. It’s has also helped me to develop a more consistent and specific prayer log (be sure to date your entries) in which I can look back and see what God has accomplished through my prayers. If you have never journaled before, I want to challenge you to try it for at least this summer season!