Campus Prayer Walk

This Campus Prayer Walk starts at the BSU and is designed to highlight some of the greatest prayer needs of our campus. If location list is followed, you will end up back at the BSU. View Campus Map

The International Building is next door to the BSU. There are over 80 countries represented in our international student population, many from hard to reach places.

Locati0n 1:The World on our Campus (International Center)

  • Read aloud: Revelation 7:9-10

  • Pray that the Lord would continue to provide opportunities for the BSU to love and serve international students.

  • Pray that American Christian students would see the tremendous opportunity we have to impact the world for Christ through international students.

  • Pray that international students would receive the gospel, follow Christ, and return.

Shoemaker Square is a high foot traffic area essentially at the center of campus.

Location 2: The Harvest is Plentiful (Shoemaker Square)

  • Read aloud: Matthew 9:36-38

  • Pray for the many gospel conversations that happen specifically in this area and also all over our campus.

  • Pray that students struggling with identity issues would understand God’s design for life as good and the gospel as freedom; not a set of rules.

  • Pray that BSU would be fruitful in helping students go from lost to laborer to take the gospel from this

    campus to the nations.

This area of dorms is on the south side of campus and is where most freshmen live.

Location 3: Trouble & Transition (Luckyday Breezeway)

  • Read aloud: Luke 8:11-15; 1 John 2:15-17

  • Pray for freshmen as they navigate transition, academic/social stress, and temptations of college life.

  • Pray that isolated students would be motivated to find community, peace, and purpose that can only be found in Christ.

  • Pray for BSU outreach and evangelism efforts that happen in this area each semester.

When standing in this spot you are able to see all 4 buildings in what is know as the “Science Quad.” Polymer Science (this building), Johnson Science Tower, Bobby Chain Technology, & the Walker Science.

Location 4: Atheism, Agnosticism, Apathy (Science Quad)

  • Read aloud: Psalm 14:1; Acts 17

  • Pray that the Christian students and professors within the science department would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to maintain a bold witness for Christ.

  • Pray that the Lord would soften the hearts of atheist and agnostic students and motivate them to investigate the lie that science disproves God’s existence.

  • Pray that BSU would be seen as a welcoming place for those who are not sure what they believe to explore Biblical truth.


What are some things that you heard the Lord say on your prayer walk?

What surprised you about your time on campus?

In order to see the gospel move forward on this campus what is the next step?